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Using the Libraries


Teaching & Instruction Support

  • Course Reserves (films, textbooks, ebooks, article databases)
  • Reading Lists
  • OERs, Public Domain, Streaming Video
  • Reference Consultations
Research & Publishing Support
  • Sharing your work
  • Managing your research data
  • Open Access
  • And more!
Quick Links (to Share with Your Students!)
Contact Information



Teaching & Instruction Support

Increase Your Students' Success by Using Course Materials Available from the Library!

Contact your subject specialist librarian by email or make a consultation appointment for support designing your course or using Library resources.

List your course materials in our course reserve list to increase ease of access to you and your students. Learn how to on our Course Reserves page.

Locate library supported materials in the Library Catalog
Explore Open Educational Resources (OERs) material
Locate public domain and other open content

About Public Domain
About the Creative Commons Licenses
Copyright guide from the University Libraries

Track and share article links, course materials with Leganto reading lists
Find Free & Legal Streaming Video content

To see the most updated information about textbooks, go to our FAQ: Can I access my course materials (textbooks and videos) through the Library?

Information Literacy Instruction, Services & Tools

Critical Information Studies Program

Library faculty teach credit courses, drop-in workshops, and course-integrated information literacy sessions. Learn more about the Critical Information Studies Program at CSUEB University Libraries.

Course-Integrated Support

Librarians are also available to consult with the course instructor in the preparation of course-specific library assignments, and to schedule course-integrated information literacy instruction sessions. Course-integrated information literacy instruction sessions can be designed to meet the library research requirements of a particular course or to assist with a special library assignment.

Meet with your subject librarian
Search the Library Guides BY SUBJECT or view All Guides
Use library ambassador & librarian created videos in your classroom

Information Literacy Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO)

In support of the Information Literacy Institutional Learning Outcome, we have also developed worksheets to help guide students through searching for and evaluating sources of information. Those worksheets, and the Annotated Bibliography signature assignment are downloadable here:

Search Strategy Worksheet (Credible Sources)
Search Strategy Worksheet (Scholarly Sources)
Evaluation Criteria Worksheet
Annotated Bibliography Signature Assignment

Chat reference & research consultations

We provide a fully online, 24-7 chat reference service as well as bookable research consultations with your subject specialist librarian at Chat reference is also embedded within the library website for point-of-need assistance.

Research & Publishing Support

Faculty are encouraged to explore and use the following suite of programs and initiatives offered by the University Libraries.

Share and preserve your scholarly work in ScholarWorks, the institutional repository for the entire California State University system. It contains student works, faculty publications, datasets, and open educational resources, created by CSU faculty, students, and staff.

Register for an ORCID iD to distinguish and ensure your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you; its reliable, easy, increases discoverability of you and your research outputs; is interoperable, persistent and free.

ORSP is encouraging all faculty and students engaged in RSCA to set up their ORCID.

Learn about your rights as an author! Read the Open Access Policy. Cal State East Bay faculty members now automatically retain their copyright to scholarly articles thanks to the newly passed Open Access policy.

Deposit Your Scholarly Articles
Get the Waiver, Embargo, or Addendum form
Read the OA Policy FAQs

Manage your data with CSU supported Open Data tools. Create data management plans for grant applications and use the data repository for finding and more easily sharing your data to collaborators, publishers, etc.

Dryad, an open-source data repository
DMPTool is a free, open-source, online application that helps you create data management plans from templates.

Get your APCs (Author Publishing Costs) paid for with the Open Access Publishing Fund. Funding now available for any Cal State East Bay faculty, staff, and student to publish in open access journals.

Read the OA Publishing Fund FAQs
Apply for this funding
ORSP may have limited funding (up to $1,000) for publication support. Dept. chair should request funding from ORSP (Anne Wing)

Explore our Open Access Publishing Agreements with Elsevier, ACS and IOP that might apply to your publications. This means that APCs (article processing charges) are waived, so if your article is accepted to one of their journals, it can be published open access without a fee.

If you have questions about any of these services and tools, contact your local friendly liaison librarian to learn more or email for more information.

Quick Links (Share with your students)

Chat with a librarian on our Ask Us 24/7 chat service

Explore the Research Guides BY SUBJECT

Borrow tech (headphones, laptops, recorders, calculators, and more!) from the Learning Commons (library tech center)

Free tutoring via SCAA, the Student Center for Academic Achievement!

Register for workshops, author talks, networking events, and more by exploring the Library Events calendar.

Find films, documentaries, and other video: A-Z Databases: Streaming Video

Explore the Online databases: A-Z Databases

Contact Information

Library Faculty contact information can be found on the libraries' Subject Specialist page. Our current department chair is Gr Keer ( Additional contact information for other library employees can be found on our Contact Us page.