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About the Libraries

Financial Contributions

Advancing Together: Invest in the Future with the University Libraries

Your contributions to the CSUEB University Libraries will have an immediate impact on students and faculty – and there are now more ways to give than ever.

You may also designate your gift for a specific purpose – such as endowments, or as unrestricted funds.

Funds used to establish endowments generate interest that is used according to the agreement in the official Memorandum of Understanding between each donor and the University. Endowments for specific purposes, such as purchasing library materials on general or a specific subject, can be established with a minimum of $25,000. At present, the Library has three endowments:

The Library Collection Endowment
Established in 2004 by pulling together funds received in the past for the purpose of supplementing the Library Collection Fund. It is used to purchase library materials in any subject field at the discretion of the University Llibrarian, in consultation with the Collection Development Librarian.

Your gift to this endowment will be added to the principal, and only interest will be used as needed.

The CSUEB Emeriti Faculty Endowment
(Pending) In conjunction with the University’s First Fifty Years celebration, on September 27, 2007, the CSUEB Emeriti Retired Faculty Association (ERFA) signed an agreement to establish an endowment to support the University Libraries by supplementing the library Collection Fund.

Contributions must reach $25,000 in two years for the fund to be formally activated. The initial responses have been positive, but we have a way to go before we reach the goal.

Anyone can contribute to this fund – and you don’t have to be a member of ERFA to do so. Until it becomes an official endowment, any gift designated to this fund will be added to the balance, and will not be expended.

The Floyd R. Erickson Endowment for Special Collections
Established in 2006 by Floyd R. Erickson to purchase materials for Special Collections. Mr. Erickson was the founding Library Director of the University, when the University first opened its doors in 1959. He was responsible for creating the Library’s Special Collections with the purchase of Dr. Henry Hart’s personal research papers and other materials, which include many rare books. Since that time, many additions have been made to the materials in the Floyd R. Erickson Special Collections room.

Erickson retired as head of the University Library in 1980, but from his love of Special Collections he subsequently established a supporting endowment in recent years. Your gift to this endowment will be added to the principal, and interest on the account will fund new additions and improvements to CSUEB’s Special Collections.

Unrestricted gifts can also be donated to the Library's Leadership Fund – these provide the flexibility to address the University library's highest and most immediate needs, and to seize new opportunities as they arise.

If you would like to celebrate significant events – the birth of a grandchild, a wedding anniversary, a memorial to a loved one – you may make a financial contribution to the Library to commemorate the event or person.

Gifts of less than $100 which are designated for the general purchase of library materials are also gratefully accepted, and will be utilized in the most effective manner possible.

If you are considering a new endowment for the University Library, please contact the University Library Administration Office at (510) 885-3664, or the University Advancement Office at (510) 885-2150.

Donating Materials

Those interested in donating materials to the Library are asked to contact the Collection Development coordinator, Jeffra Bussmann, or the Dean of the University Libraries, Kristin Hart. We encourage donors to give their materials to the Hayward Public Library as they are happy to accept donations.

The Library may accept donations of materials in all formats, subject areas and languages relevant to the curriculum and the collection, reserving the right to dispose of them as appropriate.

Due to space constraints and our need to maintain a current collection that meets the needs of our students, we generally accept materials that meet the following criteria:

  • are in excellent physical condition [i.e. book covers intact, quality paper stock, and absence of mold, mildew and dirt]
  • have been published within the last ten years
  • support scholarship in at least one area relating to CSU East Bay’s academic programs

If the materials you wish to donate fall outside of these guidelines, we encourage you to consider contacting your local public library.

All donated books will be evaluated for addition to the collection by Library Subject Liaisons who will recommend their inclusion if appropriate, or their sale to book dealers.* In cases where the condition of the materials or other factors preclude inclusion or sale, they will be recycled.

In most cases, the Library will not accept gifts of periodicals, annuals, or serials.

The Library cannot place a cash value on gift books for tax purposes. If the donor makes a request and provides contact information at the time of donation, the library will send the donor a letter acknowledging the receipt of the gift.

*The CSU East Bay libraries sells unneeded donated books to Better World Books, a reseller that donates a portion of its profits to promote global literacy.