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Tabletop Gaming In Our Library: Classic Games

This page acts as a hub for all things gaming-related in our library

The Classics

Old favorites that have stood the test of time. We have a few of these classic games that can be borrowed from the Library at the Checkout Desk, as noted below. 

Monopoly -> Checkout Desk

Players: 2-6  

Length: 1-3 hrs  

Difficulty: Moderate

Amass properties, build houses, and build hotels in this timeless game where your goal is to bankrupt your opponents by charging them for rent on your properties!


Players: 2  

Length: 30 min

Difficulty: Moderate

In this classic two-player strategy game, be the first to sink all your opponents' ships by guessing the correct coordinates where they placed them! 


Players: 2 

Length: 1 min 

Difficulty: Easy to learn (but tricky to master)

Pick up the jacks before the ball bounces once and you catch it. Start off with picking up just one jack per bounce and proceed to two jacks per bounce, etc. Your turn ends if you fail to pick up the required number. To win, you have to successfully pick up all 10 jacks when it's that time!

The Game of Life --> Checkout Desk

Players: 2-4

Length: 1 hr

Difficulty: Moderately easy

Launch a career, start a family, sue your opponents, and buy a house in this longtime favorite where your goal is to have the most assets by the time you retire (especially cash).

Scrabble -> Checkout Desk

Players: 2-4

Length: 1 hr 30 min

Difficulty: Hard

In this classic game, create words from your rack of tiles to score points based on letter value and double/triple letter/word score spaces!


Players: 1-8  

Length: 10 min

Difficulty: Moderate

Race against the timer to find as many words from the letters as you can with which ones are face up on the 16 cubes!

Shan Ghai Legno

Players: 2-6  Length: 10-30 min   Difficulty: Easy

This game is the same thing as pickup sticks, where you must pick up the sticks without moving any other sticks besides the one you're picking up!

Note: Our versions' stick colors may be different so you may want to determine your own point values based on the colors

Jenga -> Checkout Desk

Players: 1-8    

Length: 20 min 

Difficulty: Easy

Don't be the one who collapses the block tower in this enduring game that blends party fun with strategy!

We also have Mini Jenga if you find the taller tower overwhelming!



Jack Straws

Players: 2-5  

Length: 10 min  

Difficulty: Easy

Sort of like pickup sticks, this very old game has you use metal hooks to pick up an items without moving any other ones! The player who picks up the most items this way wins!