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Theatre & Dance

Expand your searches with Google Scholar

Add the csueb library as a library in your Google Scholar searches - this helps pull up articles that we might have in the library or point you to resources you can request using Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - This service is free of charge to you to get pdfs or the books/items through the library with your csueb student, faculty, staff affiliation.

To find scholarly articles using Google, use Google Scholar. Be sure to edit your Google Scholar Settings to turn on a feature to check if Google Scholar results are available in the CSUEB Library databases. To do this, in the Library Links area of Google Scholar Settings, search for East Bay, and select the CSUEB options. Click save, and then you will see the "Find it @ CSUEB" link when you search for articles.

Locating Peer-Reviewed Articles

Follow the below step-by-step instructions to help you locate peer-reviewed (scholarly/academic) articles. 

  1. Write down your research topic.
    • ex. Bailes de Peru, Peruvian dances, Andean dances
  2. What do you want to learn about your topic?
    • ex. types of dances, Carnaval dances, representations of race or gender in dances
  3. Based on what you want to learn about your topic, write out two draft research questions.
    • ex. How do dances in Carnaval like 'La Danza de Caporales' represent the regions, traditions, and cultures of Peru?
    •  ex. What is the origin of the costumes worn by performers in 'La Danza de Caporales'?
  4. What are the main concepts identified in your research question(s)?
    • Peruvian Carnaval dances (i.e. 'La Danza de Caporales')
    • Meaning of costumes, dances
    • Representation of cultures, regions, traditions
  5. Brainstorm synonyms, broader terms, and narrower terms for each of the main concepts identified above. Below is an example of this exercise.
    • Concept = Peruvian dances, Andean dances, Peru, Dance, Andes
    • Synonyms = Carnaval dances of Peru, national folk dances of Peru
    • Broader concepts = Cultural heritage, tradition, dance, "Ethnic" performing arts
    • Narrower concepts = La Danza de Caporales
  6. Use these concepts to help you build a search in the advanced library search
  7. Sample searches with the same keywords but different filters.
    • Material Type set to "All Items," searched Any Field with "dance" AND "Peru" OR "Andes" - 110,181 results (not focused enough)
    • Material Type set to "Articles",  searched Any Field with "dance" AND "Peru" OR "Andes" - 34 results (format focus)
    • Material Type set to "Articles",  additional active filters add, "peer-reviewed journals," searched Any Field with "dance" AND "Peru" OR "Andes" - 31 results (all of these results will be peer-reviewed!
    • Material Type set to "Articles",  additional active filters added, including peer-reviewed journals, full-text online and Open Access selected, searched Any Field with "dance" AND "Peru" OR "Andes" - 4 results (too strict of a search but kind of great we still got some!)
  8. Read the abstract of titles that catch your interest, ex. of one below:

Need some extra help on your research paper or project? 

Talk to a librarian on 24/7 chat (look for the "Ask Us" icon on a library page ) or visit the Using the Libraries page for other ways to connect. You can also set up an appointment with me! Get help on the following: 

  • Clarifying information needed for an assignment
  • Clarifying information sources from prompts/instructions
  • Refining your research topic/question
  • Searching for a known item (i.e. you know the title, author of a specific item you need)
  • Brainstorming keywords
  • Developing a search strategy
  • Searching the library catalog
  • Using a specific database
  • Evaluating potential resources
  • Citation help
  • Copyright information/help
  • Reviewing the ILL/CSU+ process