Welcome to Introduction to Library and Information Literacy!
We'll be working and learning together over the next five weeks skills and information that will help you with your work as first year students at CSUEB.
This first week we'll be learning about deciphering assignments, using keywords to search the library's catalog, finding our way through the library, and reflecting on how to get an A in this course. We'll also look at searching in databases.
If you have any questions, please contact either of the instructors. Our contact information is on your syllabus and the first page marked "Syllabus" of this website.
"shouldn't be hard" by xkcd
Tuesday, August 4
introductions, syllabus, word association, how to get an A, how to find a book, deciphering assignments
Thursday, August 6
Catalog and reserve searching, web searching, search strategies
Week 1 Assessment (Homework) (10 points)
Thinking about Research
Due: August 10, 2015 at Noon
Turn in assignment via your Shared Google Doc.
Objective: To reflect on research and this course.
Please answer the following questions in 3-4 paragraphs (1-2 pages) of writing. Remember to use full sentences and proofread your work before submitting.
What do you want to get out of this course? (Other than passing, of course.)
What concerns do you have about assignments and research at the university level versus what you have done in high school?
What are you excited about learning?
Is there anything that you’ve found confusing that we’ve discussed this week in class?