Come hear about the new Sustainability Minor
The Sustainability Minor gives students a strong foundation in sustainability through various disciplines while allowing students to complete all their required GE courses! We will discuss the learning outcomes of the minor and specific courses that fulfil the requirements. Target audience: Students, faculty and staff who are interested in the minor.
Wednesday, April 20th
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Earth Week Panel: Sustainability in the Classroom and Community: Environmental Pedagogy and Outreach
Sharon Radcliff, Library Faculty and Chair of CS
Prof. Amy Below, Assistant Professor, Political Science Department
Prof. Heryford, Associate Professor, English Department
Prof. Garbesi, PhD Professor Emerita and Director of Environmental Studies
Prof. Helgren, Department of Physics
Panelists will discuss pedagogical approaches and a collaborative project with Hayward schools.
Friday, April 22nd
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 4586 2213
Passcode: 633730