INFO 200-01 Topics in Information Literacy: Information Capitalism
GE Area E: 3 units
Online, Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:45am
Instructor: Gr Keer (
What is the impact of systems of power on the creation, distribution, evaluation, and use of information? Students in this course will engage in critical analysis of information capitalism, including the commodification of information, information labor, concentration of ownership, and personal data extraction and surveillance.

INFO 210-01 Introduction to Information Literacy
GE Area E: 1 unit
Online, Friday 10-10:50am
Instructor: Jeffra Bussmann (
This special section of the INFO 210 course is for Science Majors. The class will be focusing on science communication, covering such topics as peer review, pseudoscience, open science, data visualization, ethics in science, COVID-19 science, and more.

INFO 210-02 Introduction to Information Literacy
GE Area E: 1 unit
Online, Thursday 11-11:50am
Instructor: Daisy Muralles (
The theme of this section of INFO 210 is "Listening to Information, Communicating Knowledge." Students in this course will work collaboratively to create a radio program while we individually discover and learn how to think critically about information sources and knowledge creation around us.