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Introduction to the Library: Week 2

Summer Bridge, 2015

Week 2

Week 2: Web searching and Evaluation 

This week we'll be discussing evaluation of sources and how we decide to trust a source (or not) when we are finding information for different types of assignments and tasks. 


second comic by xkcd

"second" by xkcd

Tuesday, August 11

Evaluation of information

Thursday, August 13

No class due to Summer Bridge Retreat

Assignment 2: Search Strategy Worksheet

Week 2 Assessment (Homework) (20 points)

Evaluation and Information Formats

Due: August 17, 2015 at Noon

Remember to turn in your assignment via your shared Google Doc.

Part 1: Yelp Evaluation

Objectives: To evaluate a business on Yelp and reflect on evaluation outside of the classroom


For the assignment, please write up your findings in 3-4 paragraphs (1-2 pages). To complete the assignment, please:

  1. Find and evaluate one restaurant or business on Yelp that has more than 10 reviews. Pick a place you haven’t been before or a service you haven’t used. 

  2. What do these reviews tell you?

  3. Who do you believe and why?

  4. What makes for a useful or “good” review?

  5. Do the reviews leave anything out that you would want to know before going to the restaurant or using the service?

  6. Remember to include the name of the business and the URL to the homepage of the Yelp reviews for the business.


Part 2: Information Formats

In preparation for Week 3, please review the information in the Identifying Information Sources Online Guide ( We will be discussing different types of information sources in class and their connections with citation in Week 3.