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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Library and Information Resources for Chemistry and Biochemistry.

SciFinder Access

SciFinder is restricted to CSUEB faculty, staff and students. Unlike most of our other electronic resources, there is no walk-in access available for non-CSUEB affiliates on any library computer.

It is available 24/7, with the exception of 7-10pm on Saturdays and 2-10pm on the first Saturday each month.

What is SciFinder?

SciFinder, produced by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), is the most comprehensive database for the chemical literature, indexing journal articles and patent records (and other document types), as well as chemical substances and reactions. You can search by topic, author, and substances by name or CAS Registry Number, OR use the editor to draw chemical structures, substructures, or reactions.

It is a core research tool for chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, environmental science and other science and engineering disciplines. Depending on your research, it is complementary to other databases like Scopus and PubMed.

Getting Started

First time using SciFinder at CSUEB?
Go to SciFinder at CSUEB to register. Registration is required.

  • You must be on the campus network (or protected wifi), proxy to access this site.
  • If you have a SciFinder account from another school, including another CSU, you must register again. Non-CSUEB accounts will not work on our network.
  • Register with your (faculty/staff) or (students) email address. If you don't see a confirmation email, check your spam folder.

Already have a SciFinder account for CSUEB?
Go to SciFinder, login and start searching. You must login each time you use SciFinder.

  • You must also be on the CSUEB network to use SciFinder. This includes the Protected Wifi, and the Proxy Server for off campus access.

SciFinder on Mobile Devices

  • Use SciFinder Mobile on your phone for quick author, topic, and chemical substance searches. Proxy isn't required for off-campus access, but you will need your SciFinder login information.
  • On a tablet, SciFinder will direct to the full version (minus the structure editor). Proxy authentication is required for off-campus access.

SciFinder Databases

SciFinder is a collection of 6 CAS databases, plus Medline:

  • Chemical Abstracts (CAplus)
    • More than 40 million references (citations and abstracts) to journal articles and patents, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, books, dissertations, and meeting abstracts.
    • Substances and reactions indexed with links to the corresponding CAS Registry and CASREACT records.
    • Currently indexes 10,000+ journals (1,500 journals indexed cover-to-cover) and patents from 63 patent authorities.
    • Mostly 1907 to present, with some pre-1907 content: including ACS (1879-1906) and RSC (1841-1906) journals, Chemisches Zentralblatt 1897-1906, and 38,000 US patents.
  • CAS Registry
    • Records for more than 91 million organic and inorganic substances(including alloys, coordination compounds, minerals, mixtures, polymers and salts) and 65 million DNA and protein sequences. Substance information includes: synonyms, molecular formulas, structure diagraoms and experimental & calculated property data. 15,000 new substances are added daily.
      • 5.1 billion predicted properties for 77.5 million substances; 4.5 million experimental properties for 3 million substances
      • 1.4 million experimental spectra (MS, IR, 1H-NMR) for 983,000 substances and 142.7 million predicted spectra (13C-NMR and 1H-NMR spectra).
    • Complete coverage from 1957 to date, with additional substances going back to early 1900's.
    • CAS Registry records link to the other SciFinder databases: CAplus, CASREACT, CHEMCATS and CHEMLIST
    • 63.4 million single and multi-step reactions, and 13.6 million synthetic preparations, with additional information about the reactions.
    • Indexed from journal articles, patents and evaluated reference sources, 1840 to date.
    • Reactions link to CAplus and CAS Registry.
    • 24 million references to articles from more than 5,600 biomedical and related health sciences journals (including chemistry and biochemistry), 1946 to date.
    • Medline is searched alongside CAplus in reference searching, and you can remove the duplicate Medline references. If you want to search Medline only, use PubMed.
    • Catalog database of 94 million commercially available products from more than 980 commercial chemical suppliers.You can customize the view to prioritize preferred vendors.
    • Database of 312,000 substances that are regulated by state, federal and international agencies, including EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory. 
    • Covers inventories and lists from 1980 to date.
    • More than 1 million searchable Markush structures from 421,000 patents covered by CAS from 1988 to date (with structures derived from INPI records from 1961-1987).