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Identifying Information Sources Online

Help with determining what type of source you've found online

eBooks in the Library Catalog

You can limit your search to ebooks using the filters in the library catalog. Search for your topic using the library's catalog on the homepage or clicking Advanced Search. 

Then limit the "Material Type" to Books and "Available at CSUEB" to Full-text online to have the results list show you only ebooks. This is great to use when you are off-campus to find ebooks you can read. 

eBooks on the Open Web

eBooks are one of the simpler information sources to identify online. If you are in Google Books, you are pretty sure to be reading eBooks. But what if you aren't searching a book database? How do you know that you are looking at an eBook? Good questions. 

eBook Characteristics: 

  • Title: eBooks always have a title
  • Author(s)/Editor(s): You should be able to find the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) on the eBook
  • Publisher: You should be able to find the publisher's name 
  • Copyright statement: You should be able to find a copyright statement, including the year. Some eBooks may be published under Creative Commons license and you will find that statement included. 

ebook title

eBook copyright page