Spring 2021 Information Studies Credit Courses

This course satisfies Upper Division D4 (Social Science) credit and the Sustainability Overlay:

INFO 310-01 Sustainability and Information Literacy (January 19th - May 15th)
GE Area D4: 3 units
Synchronous & Asynchronous Online
Days and Time: Tuesday and Thursdays 1:15pm-2:30pm
Instructor: Sharon Radcliff, sharon.radcliff@csueastbay.edu

This course critically examines cultural and sociopolitical power dynamics in the debate around sustainability and climate change, focusing on the environment, social equity, and the economy, and develops strategies for evaluating information and producing sound arguments within the context of conflict.

Strongly Recommended Preparation: Completion of lower division Areas D1-D3 are highly recommended
Prerequisites: Requires completion of GE Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4 with grade C- (CR) or better
Grading: A-F grading only

All of these courses satisfy all or part of GE Area E (Lifelong Learning):

INFO 210-01 (Online) Introduction to Information Literacy Skills (January 19 - March 14)
GE Area E: 1 unit General academic focus
Instructor: Gr Keer, gr.keer@csueastbay.edu

This course is organized around taking an academic research project from topic selection to presenting your ideas to others. We will investigate scholarly knowledge production and explore how to seek, find, evaluate, use, and create sources of information.

INFO 210-02 (Online) Introduction to Information Literacy Skills (March 15 - May 15)
GE Area E: 1 unit General academic focus
Instructor: Lee Adams, lee.adams@csueastbay.edu

Choose any topic that interests you to go through the library research process! The course progresses this way: develop a focused research question; identify keywords; learn sophisticated searching strategies; evaluate books, articles, websites, and videos; and finally practice quoting, paraphrasing, and citing sources.

INFO 210-03 (Online) Introduction to Information Literacy Skills (January 19- May 15)
GE Area E: 1 unit hybrid Science focus
Days & Time: Friday, 10:00AM-10:50AM
Instructor: Jeffra Bussmann, jeffra.bussmann@csueastbay.edu

This special section of the INFO 210 course is for Science Majors. The class will be covering such topics as science communication, peer review, pseudoscience, data visualization, ethics in science, international science, and more.

INFO 210-04 (Online) Introduction to Information Literacy Skills (January 19 - May 15)
GE Area E: 1 unit hybrid General academic focus
Days & Time: Thursday, 11:00AM-11:50AM
Instructor: Daisy Muralles, daisy.muralles@csueastbay.edu

"Listening to Information, Communicating Knowledge" - Students in this course will work collaboratively to create a radio program while we individually discover and learn how to think critically about information sources and knowledge creation around us.