Trying to write a research paper? Need to find scholarly sources on your topic but you're not sure where to start? Join us for a one hour workshop on basic academic research!
Librarians will help walk you through developing a strategy for completing your research project, focusing on how to find scholarly content (including articles and books).
Hands-on research help will be provided!
When: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 from 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Where: Biella Room
To participate, please RSVP and complete the Pre-Workshop Survey:
Writing a research paper? Need to find additional scholarly sources on your topic but you're not sure how?
Join us for a one hour workshop on advanced academic research! Librarians will help walk you through techniques professional searchers use, focusing on how to find scholarly content (including articles and books).
Hands-on research help will be provided!
Some laptops will be available; we encourage you to bring your own.
When: Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Where: Library Biella Room