The Role of Engineers and Physicists in Treating Cancer
Dr. Samy Hanna
May 21, 2018
12:00 noon
Biella Room (LI 2126)
Almost all of us know friends, neighbors, or relatives who have been diagnosed with cancer. Each year in the US, over 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed and over 500,000 people die of the disease. Many of us know someone who has gone through radiation therapy for cancer. But do we know how radiation therapy works? Do we understand how physicists and engineers have helped to reduced the rate of death due to cancer? Dr. Samy Hanna, an expert in Biomedical Engineering, will explain how we use physics to treat cancer and tell us about recent advances in the field.
Extended Hours for Spring 2018
Starting Tuesday, May 29th, the first floor of the Hayward Campus Library will be open until Midnight on the following days:
Commons After Hours
Commons After Hours will be open until 2:00am during Spring Extended Hours.
Extended Campus Shuttle Hours
The Hayward Campus Shuttle will be making additional trips to the Hayward BART station during Spring finals week
Spring Out of Stress
Free tutoring, plus board games and snacks will be available from 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Peer Study Power
Free tutoring, plus support from peers and snacks will be available in the Biella Room from 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Cocoa and Cram at the Concord Campus Library
ASI will be providing free coffee and snacks