For the Spring semester the Library has implemented a new feature to assist students in their research. Within each course shell in Canvas, a student can find a link to a Library Guide that suggests resources (books, article databases, videos and other materials) to help them write their papers, answer discussion board inquiries, and even prepare for their presentations.

For example, if a student is in INFO 310, when they go into the Canvas course shell for that class, they will find a new link in the left hand column: Library Guide (pictured below). By clicking on that link, students can find help in using various Library resources. The link will lead them to the best places to get articles about Sustainability, statistics that may support their research, the name and picture of the subject librarian who can help them get started or provide more in-depth information, and several other valuable links.

We hope you will try it yourself and if we can add something you think would help students, please offer suggestions! Contact Jiannan Wang (