"The 10-campus University of California system (UC), 20 of 23 California State University (CSU) campuses, and 30 private academic and research institutions represented by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) have reached a comprehensive four-year transformative open access agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP). The agreement begins this month and will provide affiliated researchers with access to OUP's world-leading journals and support for publishing their work open access." Read the following press releases for more info:
Explore additional Open Access Publishing Agreements with Elsevier, ACS, and IOP that might apply to your publications. This means that APCs (article processing charges) are waived, so if your article is accepted to one of the listed journals, it can be published open access without a fee!
You can get your APCs (Author Publishing Costs) covered with the Open Access Publishing Fund. Funding is available for any Cal State East Bay faculty, staff, and student to publish in open access journals. Read the OA Publishing Fund FAQs for more information.
For more information, please contact your liaison librarian.