We are excited to announce the hiring of our first ever Archives Student Assistants!

While the University Libraries has housed the University Archives and Special Collections for decades, this is the first time we have had the delight of having Archives Student Assistants. Lanii and Keisha will be helping with digitization work, our online presence, and other duties around the archives and library.


Lanii is a Psychology major in her second year at Cal State East Bay. Her current work involves scanning as part of our retrospective digitization project of theses. When we have received permission from the authors, we are able to post these scanned theses in ScholarWorks.

Anna, our Archives Assistant, recently finished adding the metadata and uploading the first thesis Lanii scanned, which you can see it here: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12680/b5645152p

Lanii will also be helping out with other archives work beyond scanning, including outreach at tabling events, assisting with UX testing, and helping when classes and researchers visit the archives and special collections.


Keisha is a graduate student in the Interaction Design and Interactive Arts Masters program. She brings with her previous experience in product design and UX testing. Keisha is currently helping with revising our archives and special collections web pages to make them more user-friendly and accessible. Keisha will also be working on scanning, UX testing, and helping us improve our archives communications online and in-print.

For more information about the University Archives and Special Collections, please visit our website: https://library.csueastbay.edu/archives