INFO 200-02: Mon. & Wed. 9:30-10:45AM, Synchronous Online
Instructor: Jeffra Bussmann
Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-E
This special version of the INFO 200 course is for Science conscious or Science curious students. The class will be focusing on science communication, covering such topics as peer review, pseudoscience, open science, data visualization, ethics in science, COVID-19 science, and more.

INFO 210-02 [7w1]: Asynchronous Online with instructor Daisy Muralles
INFO 210-03 [7w2]: Asynchronous Online with instructor Kate Pham
Units: 1 ; Breadth Area: GE-E
From a topic of your choice, this 1 unit asynchronous course will dive into the research process from developing a focused research question, translating that question into a sophisticated search strategy to find appropriate information sources, to finally learning methods to evaluate the information sources you find.

INFO 230-01: Tues. & Thurs. 1-2:15pm, Hybrid
INFO 230-02: Asynchronous Online
Instructor: Sharon Radcliff
Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-A3; Second Composition; Sustainability Overlay
Students analyze case studies in sustainability and environmental justice, exploring multiple perspectives and sources of evidence. Students will build coherent and cohesive arguments, using inductive and deductive reasoning, honing their argumentation skills through dialogue, outlining, and peer review of drafts. Must earn C- (CR) or better for GE credit.

INFO 250-01: Tues. & Thurs. 9:30-10:45AM, Synchronous Online
Instructor: Kate Pham
Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-E
Introduction to the Critical Information Studies Minor. Covers critical information literacy theory, basic academic research skills to assist in research processes, and issues of seeking, finding, evaluating, using, and creating sources of information on a scoped topic.