Easy Tips for Creating a Personal Budget, Register here
Instructor: Lee Adams
Tuesday, 4/18, 12:15pm-1:15pm
CORE Room 338, California Quail Room
This hands-on workshop will provide simple strategies to get your personal budget in line, including using Google Sheets to track your spending. Bring your own laptop, or use one of the Library's. Individuals who require accommodations for this event, please contact Accessibility Services by April 14, 2023. Email: as@csueastbay.edu | phone: 510-885-3868.
Career Research, Register here
Instructor: Sharon Radcliff
Wednesday, 4/19, 11am-12pm
Core Room 301, Great Horned Owl Room
Come learn about how to do research on careers, companies, and organizations. How to find and use self-assessment career tools, and do pre-interview research. Individuals who require accommodations for this event, please contact Accessibility Services by April 14, 2023. Email: as@csueastbay.edu | phone: 510-885-3868.
Sustainability-related Careers, Register here
Instructor: Sharon Radcliff
Thursday, 4/20, 3pm-4pm
On Zoom
Are you concerned about climate change and environmental justice issues? Come hear about the growing number of sustainability related careers, and how to promote sustainability within an organization.
For more information about Money Smart Week, see the related LibGuide: Money Smart Week by Lee Adams