INFO 210-01 Introduction to Searching for and Evaluating Information
Instructor: Brittany Butler,
Wednesdays 11:00 AM-11:50 AM
Modality: Synchronous online
Theme: Gentrification in the Bay Area
Description: Covers the process of developing a focused research question from a topic of your choice, translating that question into a sophisticated search strategy to find appropriate information sources, and finally learning methods to evaluate the information sources you find.
INFO 210-02 Introduction to Searching for and Evaluating Information
Instructor: Lee Adams,
7 wk first part,
Modality: Asynchronous online
Description: Choose any topic that interests you to go through the library research process! The course will cover the process of developing a focused research question based on your topic, translating that question into a sophisticated search strategy to find appropriate information, and finally learning methods to evaluate the information (books, articles, websites, videos, etc.) that you find.
2 courses are being taught in the Spring Semester that are part of the Information Studies department's new minor: Critical Information Studies Minor:
INFO 390 Scholarly Communication & Knowledge Creation
Instructor: Daisy Muralles,
Hybrid three in person classes
T/Th 11-12:15
Description: This course is an overview of library research methods emphasizing: history and context of scholarly communication; effectively reading, evaluating, and synthesizing scholarly publications; appropriately selecting and using data collected using different methods; limitations, strengths, and aims of methods; identifying methods used in scholarly communication.
INFO 310-01 Sustainability and Information Literacy; Meets Social Science Upper Division GE and Sustainability Overlay. Elective for the Information Studies and Sustainability Minors.
Instructor: Sharon Radcliff,
Tues-Thursday 9:30-10:45
Synchronous online
Description: This course will critically examine how culture and sociopolitical power dynamics influences the debate around sustainability, and its impact in three main areas: the environment, social equity, and the economy and develop strategies for evaluating information and producing sound arguments on sustainability topics within the context of conflicting viewpoints.