With project and paper due dates approaching fast questions often come up about how to cite the sources you use. We can help you with APA, MLA, Chicago, APSA and other formats/styles. Stop by the Library for drop-in citation help!
Please bring your laptop, but if you don't have one, we will provide you with one during the workshop.
When: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Where: Library Biella Room
Please RSVP and complete the Pre-Workshop Survey available at: https://orgsync.com/133333/events/2702983/occurrences/6502711
Note: Librarians can help you find scholarly information that will inform the argument of your research paper or project and cite that information. If you need help with writing a research paper, please contact the SCAA for tutoring assistance.