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A Warm Welcome to the CORE

by Library News on 2023-09-07T10:46:46-07:00 | 0 Comments

Student Takeover Blog by Faith Neuberger and America Quintero, Library Student Ambassadors

Welcome CSUEB students and staff, new and returning! For those of you who were not on campus this summer because you were back at home, on vacation, or just avoiding it (we don't blame you), we asked what everyone was doing this summer on our community whiteboard.


You can look at the results on our Instagram (which we highly recommend you follow), but in order to get to know us, your CORE University Libraries Student Ambassadors, we thought we'd also share what we did this summer with our CSUEB community! Here are some little excerpts from us to re-introduce ourselves, and share what our summers were like:


Meet Faith
Hi! My name is Faith Neuberger, and I am one of the ambassadors for the CSUEB library. Although I was working at the CORE this summer, I also worked as a cashier for a swimming pool this summer (not even 5 miles from my house), and it was strangely very impactful. I say strange because the majority of the time I was reading a book, bored out of my mind. However, I had a few interactions that particularly stuck with me. Some included serious conversations with parents about their lives and requesting help with enrolling their kids in swimming lessons. I was glad to take off a bit of stress in their lives and get their kids into these programs. However, I also had a lot of silly kids (One little girl even called me a princess and I still think about it), parents who gave me and my team food, and enjoyed talking with the lifeguards. This summer was busy, but enjoyable nonetheless. (P.S Book Rec from my Summer Reading: Red Clocks, I re-read this book because it's so good).


Meet America
Hi!! My name is America Quintero, over the summer as a library student ambassador I worked on the 2023-2024 Summer Reading Recommendations. I used Adobe Spark to make this project. FYI! Did you know that all CSUEB students get a free Adobe Creative Cloud account? Although I worked during the summer, I did have lots of free time. I got to relax at home and spend time with family and friends. Attending the Taylor Swift concert was one of my summer highlights. It was such an amazing and fun experience. Despite the fact that summer is now over, I am happy I had a great time. I am very excited to see what the upcoming semester holds!



The library student ambassadors are a team of students working closely with librarians and student orgs & clubs to promote campus and community engagement, provide easier ways to access library resources, and have fun! You can always greet us at the info desk on the first floor or participate in our workshops/exhibits/programs.


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