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Information Literacy Resources: Assessment Rubric

Resources for teaching and assessing information literacy


This assessment rubric was created by members of the 2014-2015 Faculty Learning Community on Information Literacy Assessment after gathering faculty input via a survey, focus group, and discussion at a symposium on assessment. 

This rubric may undergo modifications as it is piloted in the coming academic year. 

Assessment Rubric

Definition of Terms

Information Literacy

  • Information literacy is the knowledge and skills developed to find, evaluate, synthesize, and use information to communicate ideas clearly.

Information Need

  • Ability to identify a focused research question and/or requirements of an assignment and identify the types of information that will be useful for answering said question and/or assignment

Appropriate Information

  • Information that is relevant, valid, and credible for fulfilling an information need (ex. peer-reviewed sources for a literature review)

Search Strategies

  • Strategies, keywords, tools used, etc. within a database to search for and locate information sources

Proper Attribution

  • Quoting and paraphrasing with appropriate citations to give credit to original authors

Integrated Information

  • Information that the student has understood, summarized, and synthesized in order to fulfill information need

Social Construction of Information Sources

  • Understanding that information sources are created within a social context and reflect certain biases, cultural assumptions, and underlying power structures


  • Communication of integrated information can take many forms including, but not limited to, written forms, multimedia presentations, and oral communications

Description: Information literacy is the knowledge and skills developed to find, evaluate, synthesize, and use information to communicate ideas clearly.






Know where to find appropriate information

Understands that there are multiple resources for finding information (databases, open web, books, interviews, videos, etc.) and understands that the appropriateness of information sources is dependent on information need


Knowledge of major sources of information for major discipline/ scholarly work

Understands that there are several types of resources for finding information,  and beginning understanding of appropriateness of sources is based on information need


Knowledge of some sources of information for major discipline/scholarly work

Beginning understanding that there are multiple types of resources for finding information and shows minimal understanding that the appropriateness of a source is based on information need


Minimal knowledge of sources of information for major discipline/scholarly work

Lacks understanding that there are a variety of potentially appropriate sources for locating information


Lacks knowledge of core sources of information for major discipline/ scholarly work

Ability to find appropriate information

Demonstrates sophisticated ability to effectively search for information and evaluate relevance of found sources


Demonstrates adequate ability to search for information and some ability to evaluate relevance of found sources

Demonstrates limited ability to effectively search for information and limited skill in evaluating relevance of found sources

Lacks the ability to effectively search for information and lacks ability to evaluate relevance of sources

Critically evaluate information

Demonstrates sophisticated ability to evaluate information through the use of evaluation criteria to determine quality of information in context of information need


Demonstrates adequate ability to evaluate information through the use of evaluation criteria to determine quality of information in context of information need

Demonstrates limited ability to evaluate information through the use of evaluation criteria to determine quality of information in context of information need

Lacks the demonstrated ability to apply evaluation criteria to found information sources

Interpret and synthesize information

Demonstrates sophisticated ability to understand, summarize, integrate, and apply information in context

Demonstrates adequate ability to understand, summarize, integrate, and apply information in context

Demonstrates limited ability to understand, summarize, integrate, and apply information in context

Lacks ability to understand, summarize, integrate, and apply information in context.

Communicate information with proper attribution

Demonstrates sophisticated ability to communicate the integrated information with proper attribution

Demonstrates adequate ability to communicate the integrated information with proper attribution

Demonstrates limited ability to communicate integrated information with proper attribution

Lacks ability to communicate the integrated information with proper attribution.

Recognize social construction of information sources

Shows awareness of the socially constructive nature of information sources.

Shows some awareness of the socially constructive nature of information sources

Somes limited awareness of the socially constructive nature of information sources

Lacks awareness of the constructive nature of information sources.