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In this Subject Guide, you will find biology resources to get you started on your research.

EndNote Web Information

What is EndNote Web? 

EndNote Web is an online citation management tool. This means that you can create a custom database of citations for your research. You can keep track of all your citations in one place that is accessible anywhere you have access to the internet. You can directly import citations from many of the databases the library subscribes to. You can also manually import citations (more information in the left sidebar on this page.) Additionally, EndNote Web has plugins for Word that will help you format your citations and bibliographies automatically. 

How do I get EndNote Web?

EndNote Web is available through the Biological Abstracts database (available via the Library's Databases A-Z page). Just create a free account and you'll be good to go.

How do I collect citations (aka references)? 

In some databases, like Biological Abstracts, you'll be able to directly export your citations from the database to your EndNote Web account. Just look for the export feature and select EndNote Web. You'll be directed to sign into your EndNote Web account if you aren't already signed in. 

For databases that do not allow for direct export to EndNote Web, you can download an export file and then import it to EndNote Web under the "Collect" tab. 

How do I get the plugin to help me format my citations?

You can get the Cite While You Write(tm) plugin under the "Format" tab in EndNote Web. It will create a new tab in Word that will allow you to select your citation style and sync with your EndNote Web account to pull citations from there into your paper. 

Where can I get more help?

See the help and tutorials page for EndNote Web:

Citation Export Formats & Filters

Some databases don't have direct export to EndNote Web. In these cases, you will have to download an export file and use the import function in EndNote Web to upload your citations. 

Below are some of the export formats and import filters from the most used databases for biology literature research. 

Export format: RIS (under Export Citation)
Import filter: RefMan RIS

Springer Link
Export format: RIS (under Cite Aritlce)
Import filter: RefMan RIS

Wiley Online Library
Export format: Reference Manager (under View/Save Citation)
Import filter: RefMan RIS